Friday 19 August 2016

Ques : What is money line in hand ? What does it tell ?

Ans :

Some markings and configuration of lines present on your palm are very helpful indicators of your financial fate. Money line is one of the lines present on your palm which demonstrate how your financial fate would be and how can you accumulate the money. Money line is not only the one line, many lines present on the palm display different potential aspects of wealth.

  How the Money Line Works

How the Money Line Works
There are four main lines used in palmistry - heart line, head line, fate line, and life line. The money line itself isn’t one of these four major lines, but it may interact with them, indicating an influence from one of these factors. There isn’t one money line that all people have, but several lines that may potentially exist, each indicating different aspects of your potential wealth (or lack thereof) depending on location.

 Four kinds of money line

Four kinds of money line
The first money line starts, at the base of your thumb and extends to the bottom of the index finger, ending in a star. This type of money line indicates that you have a natural talent for making money. If the line starts at the base of the thumb and goes all the way over to your small finger, it means you will acquire wealth through some sort of inheritance, or other family related windfall.

 The final type of money line

The final type of money line
The final type of money line isn’t located on the base of the thumb, but on the other side of the palm, and includes both the head line and the fame line. The head line is the horizontal line that goes across the middle of the palm, and the fame line is the one that extends vertically from the bottom of the palm, up to either the middle or ring finger.

  Financial luck

Financial luck
This last money line starts at the head line, runs up to the ring finger, and in the process, cuts through the fame line. Having this type of money line indicates that your future financial luck will be gained through luck and surprise.


  Great Triangle

Great Triangle
Triangle formed by combining many lines is a Great triangle because it consist information from many different lines which opens many options to earn money. The bigger the triangle is, the wealthier the person is. Palm reading of money triangle might some time makes you confuse because it is vast and there is lot to know.

  Money Line of Right Hand

For palm reading of any person, one should keep in mind that a person’s dominant hand should be used for palm reading and in most cases; right hand of a person depicts the change in direction in life whether it is a goal or career. Palm reading for money line is same for right hand as mentioned above.

  Are you a spendthrift or miser?

Are you a spendthrift or miser?
Just press your right hand’s thumb away from other fingers. If your thumb bends down easily and there are a lot of gaps between each finger, then you are a spendthrift. It is highly difficult for you to save money. On the other hand, if your thumb is stiff and not bending down, there are no gaps between the fingers then you are calculative in money matters. You will think twice before you touch your purse.

Lines which bring you riches

Lines which bring you riches
There are some mounts and lines in the palm which make any one fortunate in financial matters. They rise a person to wealth even if he is born in poverty. The mounts Sun, Venus and Jupiter should be good in your palm. These regions below the fingers should be wide and high. Sun represents success in all matters. Venus gives luxurious life and Jupiter leadership qualities.

  Fate line and money

Fate line and money
The next important thing is Fate line. It is a line which generally starts at the base of the palm and ascends the Saturn mount. It should be straight, clear and in thick brown color without any breaks. This will give you continuous inflow of money.

Sun Line and money

Sun Line and money
The Sun line should be present. Generally the Sun line starts at the base of the palm and ends on the Sun mount. If it is not the case, it can start as a branch from Fate line and should reach Sun mount. This line gives success in financial matters.

 Mounts and money

Mounts and money
The mounts of Sun, Venus and Jupiter should preferably be good in your palm. These regions below the fingers should be wide and high. Sun represents success in all matters. Venus is supposed to give a luxurious life and Jupiter leadership qualities.

  Taking charge of your destiny

Taking charge of your destiny
Everything said and done, true success and wealth are achieved by belief and action, and we all have the power to take charge of our destinies. The money line will shine some light on your path to wealth and abundance. Regardless of how much money you are meant to accumulate, you have the power to make whatever money your heart desires. All the best!.


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