Saturday 20 August 2016


 Ques : How to read my life line ?


Palm reading lifelines is often something people fear. Many people believe that the lifeline reveals how long a life you'll have. However, this is a myth.


Myth Taken as Truth


Over the centuries, this lie took root until it was a common practice to consider the length of the lifeline as the life expectancy of the individual. This myth has become so embedded in the modern practice of palmistry that even some books on palmistry perpetuate it as a truth. Many modern palm readers recognize it as a lie and practice authentic lifeline interpretations.


Locating Your Lifeline


It's easy to locate your lifeline. It begins between your thumb and index finger. The line travels down your palm through the middle and then curves along the base of your thumb. Some lifelines outline the thumb base and continue around.


Making Faint Lifelines Clearer


It's usually easy to see lifelines, but sometimes the line may be too light to be clearly defined. There are a couple of things you can do to highlight your lifeline. The first is to press your thumb toward the center of your hand. This will clearly reveal your lifeline. Another method is to coat the hand with charcoal and then fan it away. The dark powder will fill the lines, making it very easy to see the lifeline.


Dividing the Lifeline


The best way to understand the significance of your lifeline is to divide it into three segments that represent the three major stages of life. For example, the first part of the line represents your infancy, childhood and teenage years. The second segment of the line would be your early adulthood into middle age, and the last third would typically indicate old age.


If your lifeline has more than one line tracing the palm of your hand, you should feel blessed with good health and vibrant energy. It's believed that multiple lifelines shows that there is a strong protective force surrounding you.


Special Markings on the Lifeline

Various markings along the length of the lifeline can be indicators of certain events or aspects that will affect your life.

If there appears to be an island, which is a space within the line that is open and surrounded by lines, this can indicate a stay in a hospital or some kind of institution. It can also mean a gap in your life. This could be a prison term just as easily as it could mean a health-related gap.


Different Lifelines

A long lifeline doesn't necessarily mean a long life, and a short lifeline doesn't indicate a short life span. Lifelines come in all shapes and sizes.

  • Broken

  • Chained

  • Criss-crossed

  • Doubled or Tripled

  • Linked

  • Wavy


Wavy and Broken Lifelines


Lines that are broken or wavy are read as a life that is broken with frequent and persistent illnesses. A wavy lifeline is a weakened constitution due to illnesses, circumstances, drug or alcohol  or even imprisonment. A broken line in the last third of the line indicates declining health in old age.


Chained or Linked Lines

Chained lines indicate a person who is guided by her emotions and will have several major emotional events in her life.


Broken and Criss-Cross Lines

Whenever a palm reader comes across a lifeline that's a composite of many criss-crosses, this can be read as a life that has no true direction or many stops and starts. Whatever the cause, a lifeline with continuous breaks is sure to be a difficult life fraught with challenges.



Double or Triple

More than one line indicates twice blessed and protected.


Quality of Lines

If the lifeline is pronounced with a deep line, you can assume this is a good indicator of a strong, healthy and long life. Lines that are thin may mean your life vitality is weak and you don't have the necessary energy for a rich full life.


Curve Baseline

Curving lifelines that encircle the base of the thumb in a wide half circle reveal an enthusiastic and vibrant life full of love.


Short and Shallow

Short and shallow lines reflect a limited and rather shallow life. Other lines would need to be read to determine if this is a result of someone else controlling your life or if the limitations are self-imposed.


Straight Lines

If your lifeline is straight and rather close to your thumb without much curving around the thumb base or very slight curved, you likely live very cautiously. You may be worried about contracting illnesses from others. You may be afraid to take risks in love and other areas of your life. Straight-laced is a good description of this type of lifeline.


Stretched-Out Lifeline

A lifeline that stretches across the hand exceeding more than halfway to the other side of the hand before turning to travel to the base of the thumb foretells of a life spent in travel or a life concerned with travel. In addition, your imagination will play a key role in the quality of life that you carve out for yourself. This could mean an occupation where your imagination is vital to doing your job. A career in the arts would be very likely.

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