Saturday 20 August 2016


Ques: How to read marriage line in palmistry?

Marriage Line – position and direction

The marriage line is usually cutting the percussion horizontally on the side of the hand between the line of heart and the base of the fourth finger pentrating slightly into the mount of mercury.

marriage line in palmistry

One may have one line, multiple lines or even no lines of marriage.

In few hands, marriage lines may develop very late (in mid 30s or even later) which indicate late marriage.

Length of marriage line :
  • Longer line : Long relationship

     Sloping towards the Heart line : Sudden death of the partner

     Gradual slope towards Heart line : Spouse will die after lingering illness. 

    Curving upwards : Person could remain single throughout his lifetime or marry only at oldage. The proximity to the heart line indicates the age of marriage, nearer to the heart line, the earlier the marriage

  • Nearest the midpoint between the base of the fourth finger and the heart line : Late marriage 

Marriage Line Color, Width and Depth :
  • Deep colour : Better the relationship. However the line shoudn’t be too deep or too wide as it indicates a strain in the relationship and a dwindling of affection. Moderately deep furrow : Indicates just a legal union or arranged by families

Marriage Line Malformation:

  • Broken : Seperation, death or divorce

Broken but overlaying fragments : Seperation followed by reunion. Sometimes a second marriage between the two is indicated, or a love affair which takes long time to end up in a matrimonial relation after many seperations. Too many lines crossing the palm all over : A wife leading her husband or viceversa for evil purposes


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