Saturday 20 August 2016

Ques : How good is your luck in your life?


palmistry fate line

Nature of the Fate Line:

The Fate Line should be in thick brown color. It should be deep and narrow as if it is cut by a blade. It should not have any breaks (gaps). It should not be cut by any horizontal lines in its course. Such a Fate Line is considered as best one. A person bestowed with such a Fate Line will enjoy career progress and good income all through his life.

Timing on the Fate Line:

The timing on the Fate Line is shown in the Fig1. Take 5 years at the base of the palm. When Fate Line crosses the Head Line, it should be reckoned as 35th year of the person. At the Heart Line, the age of the person should be taken as 55th year. At the Mount of Saturn where Fate Line ends, the age indicates 75th year. Accordingly, divide the Fate Line and mark the periods with 5 years duration.

Straight and long Fate Line:

palmistry fate line long A straight and long Fate Line starts at the base of the palm and ends at the Mount of Saturn. It will not have any breaks or gaps. [Fig 2] This Fate Line assures continuous income for the person till the end of his life. The person is active and earning even in his old age.

Fate Line ending at the Heart Line:

palmistry fate line ending at heart A Fate Line without any defects, going straight and ending at the Heart Line indicates the person will have earnings till his 55th to 58th year. I have often verified this type of Fate Line in the people who are in Government service and who get retired at that age. [Fig 3] Sometimes, it also indicates failure in love affairs.

Fate Line ending at the Head Line:

palmistry fate line ending at head There will be wrong judgment on the part of the person. He will see failures because of his wrong decisions, especially after his 35th year of age. [Fig 4]

Fate Line ending before reaching Head Line:

palmistry fate line ending If the Fate Line ends in the center of the palm before reaching the Head Line, it indicates struggle in earnings. The person leads a hard life. There will not be any savings. There will be debts to be repaid. [Fig 5]

Fate Line absent:

palmistry fate line absent It is an indication of poverty. We see absence of Fate Line in the hands of people who lead a life as manual laborers, rickshaw pullers, coolies in factories, servants, and people doing such menial works. [Fig 6] In addition to lack of Fate Line, if the center of the palm is depressed, it indicates troubles in the personal life and the person will never come up in the life. I have often verified absence of Fate Line or poorly traced Fate Line in the hollow palms in case of street beggars.

Fate Line diverting in its course:

palmistry fate line diverting If the Fate Line is slightly diverting and moving in another direction, it is an indication that the person leaves the present job and takes decision to join another job or pursue a different career. [Fig 7]

Fate Line with a branch going up:

palmistry fate line branch The branches from the Fate Line moving up represent some promotion or benefits in the job or business. The person’s income will increase at that age when the branch is shooting up. [Fig 8]

Another line merging with Fate Line:

palmistry fate line merging A line which merges with the Fate Line will strengthen the Fate Line. It indicates that the person will come into touch with another person who will help him in his job or business. The person’s income will increase after this point. [Fig 9]

Fate Line accompanied by another parallel line:

palmistry fate line parallel line A parallel line to the Fate Line indicates support received from colleagues and friends in the career. It also indicates that there will be some income from another source. [Fig 10] Such people do two businesses or some additional part time job. I have verified this in the hands of people where their spouses also earn considerable income.

Fate Line starting from Mount of Moon:

palmistry fate line starting Moon If the Fate Line starts from Mount of Moon and there is horizontal line on the Mount of Moon, it indicates earnings in a foreign land. The person goes abroad and stays there for a considerable period earning a good amount of money. [Fig 11]

Fate Line starting from the Life Line:

palmistry fate line starting at life line If the Fate Line starts from Life Line or from inside of the Life Line, the person will receive constant support in his career from one of his family members or relatives. [Fig 12]

Fate Line with gaps:

palmistry fate line gaps If the Fate Line has a break (stopped) and there is a gap after the break, the person will lose his job. He has to spend sometime jobless before getting another job and there will be monetary problems at that age indicated by the gap. [Fig 13]

fate line breaks When the Fate Line has a break and resuming its course parallel to the break, then the person will change the job or department where he is working. Business people will enter a different business. [Fig 14]

Fate Line with islands:

fate line with islands Islands in the Fate Line indicate tensions and stressful work in the office. The person cannot take wise decisions. There will be loss of money or position. So, business people will see losses when the island is in effect. [Fig 15]

Fate Line cut by horizontal lines:

fate line cut Each horizontal line represents loss of money or unnecessary expenditure. The person will feel unfriendly atmosphere in the office or the person will become jobless for some time. Also, there may be health problem to the person at that time. [Fig 16]

Wavy Fate Line:

fate line wavy If the Fate Line is wavy and there are some breaks, the person will not stick to any one job or business. He will change his job frequently and spends his time without job or business for most of his life. [Fig 17]


 Ques : How to read my life line ?


Palm reading lifelines is often something people fear. Many people believe that the lifeline reveals how long a life you'll have. However, this is a myth.


Myth Taken as Truth


Over the centuries, this lie took root until it was a common practice to consider the length of the lifeline as the life expectancy of the individual. This myth has become so embedded in the modern practice of palmistry that even some books on palmistry perpetuate it as a truth. Many modern palm readers recognize it as a lie and practice authentic lifeline interpretations.


Locating Your Lifeline


It's easy to locate your lifeline. It begins between your thumb and index finger. The line travels down your palm through the middle and then curves along the base of your thumb. Some lifelines outline the thumb base and continue around.


Making Faint Lifelines Clearer


It's usually easy to see lifelines, but sometimes the line may be too light to be clearly defined. There are a couple of things you can do to highlight your lifeline. The first is to press your thumb toward the center of your hand. This will clearly reveal your lifeline. Another method is to coat the hand with charcoal and then fan it away. The dark powder will fill the lines, making it very easy to see the lifeline.


Dividing the Lifeline


The best way to understand the significance of your lifeline is to divide it into three segments that represent the three major stages of life. For example, the first part of the line represents your infancy, childhood and teenage years. The second segment of the line would be your early adulthood into middle age, and the last third would typically indicate old age.


If your lifeline has more than one line tracing the palm of your hand, you should feel blessed with good health and vibrant energy. It's believed that multiple lifelines shows that there is a strong protective force surrounding you.


Special Markings on the Lifeline

Various markings along the length of the lifeline can be indicators of certain events or aspects that will affect your life.

If there appears to be an island, which is a space within the line that is open and surrounded by lines, this can indicate a stay in a hospital or some kind of institution. It can also mean a gap in your life. This could be a prison term just as easily as it could mean a health-related gap.


Different Lifelines

A long lifeline doesn't necessarily mean a long life, and a short lifeline doesn't indicate a short life span. Lifelines come in all shapes and sizes.

  • Broken

  • Chained

  • Criss-crossed

  • Doubled or Tripled

  • Linked

  • Wavy


Wavy and Broken Lifelines


Lines that are broken or wavy are read as a life that is broken with frequent and persistent illnesses. A wavy lifeline is a weakened constitution due to illnesses, circumstances, drug or alcohol  or even imprisonment. A broken line in the last third of the line indicates declining health in old age.


Chained or Linked Lines

Chained lines indicate a person who is guided by her emotions and will have several major emotional events in her life.


Broken and Criss-Cross Lines

Whenever a palm reader comes across a lifeline that's a composite of many criss-crosses, this can be read as a life that has no true direction or many stops and starts. Whatever the cause, a lifeline with continuous breaks is sure to be a difficult life fraught with challenges.



Double or Triple

More than one line indicates twice blessed and protected.


Quality of Lines

If the lifeline is pronounced with a deep line, you can assume this is a good indicator of a strong, healthy and long life. Lines that are thin may mean your life vitality is weak and you don't have the necessary energy for a rich full life.


Curve Baseline

Curving lifelines that encircle the base of the thumb in a wide half circle reveal an enthusiastic and vibrant life full of love.


Short and Shallow

Short and shallow lines reflect a limited and rather shallow life. Other lines would need to be read to determine if this is a result of someone else controlling your life or if the limitations are self-imposed.


Straight Lines

If your lifeline is straight and rather close to your thumb without much curving around the thumb base or very slight curved, you likely live very cautiously. You may be worried about contracting illnesses from others. You may be afraid to take risks in love and other areas of your life. Straight-laced is a good description of this type of lifeline.


Stretched-Out Lifeline

A lifeline that stretches across the hand exceeding more than halfway to the other side of the hand before turning to travel to the base of the thumb foretells of a life spent in travel or a life concerned with travel. In addition, your imagination will play a key role in the quality of life that you carve out for yourself. This could mean an occupation where your imagination is vital to doing your job. A career in the arts would be very likely.

Ques : Love palmistry - Is love affair in your life ?

Love palmistry - love affairs and romance lines

Every one of us is having our own qualities, a style of living, a way of dealing with others and a way of showing our affections. Also, it is possible that some people in our surroundings feel attracted to us because they love these qualities of ours. Thus there happens a bond which is called most often friendship or love.

It is true that certain lines and markings in your palms reveal the periods of love and circumstances which lead to love marriage. It is easy to find them in your palms and interpret them. By reading this article, you will be able to understand whether there are any love affairs in your life and whether they will be successful or not.

The lines which cause love affairs can be seen in 4 areas in a palm.

A. Lines coming from the Mount of Venus.

B. Lines coming from the Mount of Moon.

C. Lines coming from the percussion below the little finger.

D. Curved lines starting between the first two fingers and ending between the last two fingers.

Before going further, recognize these 4 areas in the Figure shown at right hand side. These areas should be observed in both the hands to arrive at correct conclusions.

palmistry love areas in the hand

The lines on the Mount of Venus which are below the Life line are called ‘influence lines’. These lines represent opposite sex who influence you for a considerable period. Of course, the first line which is closer to the Life line will represent your spouse. The other lines below this line will indicate your lovers. [Fig 1] The more these influence lines, the more number of people will influence your life.

palmistry influence lines

If the influence line is nearer to the Life line at the beginning but gradually moving away from the Life line, the person whom you much loved will be away from you slowly. His or her influence on you will decrease gradually. [Fig 2]

love and romance in palm lines

A line which starts from the Mount of Venus that contains an island on it and ends at the Line of Heart represents a love affair which gives much trouble to the native. [Fig 3]

troubled love in palm lines

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Influence lines can also be found on Mount of Moon. A line from the Mount of Moon merging into the Line of Fate represents a love affair which culminates into marriage. [Fig 4] If the line does not touch the Fate line, then the love affair will not lead to marriage.

love and romance lines in palms

If the line from the Mount of Moon has an island and touches the Fate line, it is an indication that you will face misfortune in the love affair. [Fig 5]

love lines in palmistry

If the line from the Mount of Moon which is reaching the Fate line is cut by another line from the Mount of Venus, it represents opposition from your parents and relatives to your love marriage. [Fig 6]

parents opposition to love marriage

If the Fate line is starting from the Mount of Moon and merging nicely into the Heart line, you are likely to have a love affair which becomes successful. [Fig 7]

palmistry love affair in the hand

If the Fate line on the other hand does not merge into the Heart line but abruptly stops at Heart line, then you will see failure in your love. [Fig 8]

palmistry love affair in the hand

Generally, we can see one or more lines below the little finger at the side of percussion. Among them, the line which is strong and long represents marriage and the other lines represent love affairs. [Fig 9]

vedic palmistry love and romance marks in palms

If such a love line is close to the Heart line, then the love affair would be at the age of 18 to 21 years. If the love line is in the middle between the Heart line and the base of the little finger, then the love will happen at about 25 to 28 years of age. If the line is close to the little finger, then the love affair occurs at 40 to 45 years of age. [Fig 10] However, in several cases, the love lines which are seen above the marriage line (towards the base of little finger) represent the affection towards the children.

vedic palmistry love and romance marks in palms

When there are two marriage lines running parallel and closer to each other, the native is likely to maintain another love relation along with the marriage. [Fig 11] In some cases, it represents revival of old love relation after marriage.

love affair after marriage in palmistry

The marriage line should bend towards the Heart line gracefully. When the marriage line is highly bending towards the Heart line, there is possibility of love marriage which will lead to dissatisfaction because of psychological differences. [Fig 12] When such a line is touching the Heart line, then separation or divorce can be confirmed.

love marriage in palm lines

The curved line starting from between the first two fingers and ending between the last two fingers is called Girdle of Venus. If this Girdle of Venus is half formed or broken or has cutting lines [Fig 13], then remember you are very possessive in love. Also, your eccentric behavior will trouble your partner. Such people will have several love affairs which end in disappointment.

love disappointment in palmistry


Ques: How to read marriage line in palmistry?

Marriage Line – position and direction

The marriage line is usually cutting the percussion horizontally on the side of the hand between the line of heart and the base of the fourth finger pentrating slightly into the mount of mercury.

marriage line in palmistry

One may have one line, multiple lines or even no lines of marriage.

In few hands, marriage lines may develop very late (in mid 30s or even later) which indicate late marriage.

Length of marriage line :
  • Longer line : Long relationship

     Sloping towards the Heart line : Sudden death of the partner

     Gradual slope towards Heart line : Spouse will die after lingering illness. 

    Curving upwards : Person could remain single throughout his lifetime or marry only at oldage. The proximity to the heart line indicates the age of marriage, nearer to the heart line, the earlier the marriage

  • Nearest the midpoint between the base of the fourth finger and the heart line : Late marriage 

Marriage Line Color, Width and Depth :
  • Deep colour : Better the relationship. However the line shoudn’t be too deep or too wide as it indicates a strain in the relationship and a dwindling of affection. Moderately deep furrow : Indicates just a legal union or arranged by families

Marriage Line Malformation:

  • Broken : Seperation, death or divorce

Broken but overlaying fragments : Seperation followed by reunion. Sometimes a second marriage between the two is indicated, or a love affair which takes long time to end up in a matrimonial relation after many seperations. Too many lines crossing the palm all over : A wife leading her husband or viceversa for evil purposes


Friday 19 August 2016

Ques : What is money line in hand ? What does it tell ?

Ans :

Some markings and configuration of lines present on your palm are very helpful indicators of your financial fate. Money line is one of the lines present on your palm which demonstrate how your financial fate would be and how can you accumulate the money. Money line is not only the one line, many lines present on the palm display different potential aspects of wealth.

  How the Money Line Works

How the Money Line Works
There are four main lines used in palmistry - heart line, head line, fate line, and life line. The money line itself isn’t one of these four major lines, but it may interact with them, indicating an influence from one of these factors. There isn’t one money line that all people have, but several lines that may potentially exist, each indicating different aspects of your potential wealth (or lack thereof) depending on location.

 Four kinds of money line

Four kinds of money line
The first money line starts, at the base of your thumb and extends to the bottom of the index finger, ending in a star. This type of money line indicates that you have a natural talent for making money. If the line starts at the base of the thumb and goes all the way over to your small finger, it means you will acquire wealth through some sort of inheritance, or other family related windfall.

 The final type of money line

The final type of money line
The final type of money line isn’t located on the base of the thumb, but on the other side of the palm, and includes both the head line and the fame line. The head line is the horizontal line that goes across the middle of the palm, and the fame line is the one that extends vertically from the bottom of the palm, up to either the middle or ring finger.

  Financial luck

Financial luck
This last money line starts at the head line, runs up to the ring finger, and in the process, cuts through the fame line. Having this type of money line indicates that your future financial luck will be gained through luck and surprise.


  Great Triangle

Great Triangle
Triangle formed by combining many lines is a Great triangle because it consist information from many different lines which opens many options to earn money. The bigger the triangle is, the wealthier the person is. Palm reading of money triangle might some time makes you confuse because it is vast and there is lot to know.

  Money Line of Right Hand

For palm reading of any person, one should keep in mind that a person’s dominant hand should be used for palm reading and in most cases; right hand of a person depicts the change in direction in life whether it is a goal or career. Palm reading for money line is same for right hand as mentioned above.

  Are you a spendthrift or miser?

Are you a spendthrift or miser?
Just press your right hand’s thumb away from other fingers. If your thumb bends down easily and there are a lot of gaps between each finger, then you are a spendthrift. It is highly difficult for you to save money. On the other hand, if your thumb is stiff and not bending down, there are no gaps between the fingers then you are calculative in money matters. You will think twice before you touch your purse.

Lines which bring you riches

Lines which bring you riches
There are some mounts and lines in the palm which make any one fortunate in financial matters. They rise a person to wealth even if he is born in poverty. The mounts Sun, Venus and Jupiter should be good in your palm. These regions below the fingers should be wide and high. Sun represents success in all matters. Venus gives luxurious life and Jupiter leadership qualities.

  Fate line and money

Fate line and money
The next important thing is Fate line. It is a line which generally starts at the base of the palm and ascends the Saturn mount. It should be straight, clear and in thick brown color without any breaks. This will give you continuous inflow of money.

Sun Line and money

Sun Line and money
The Sun line should be present. Generally the Sun line starts at the base of the palm and ends on the Sun mount. If it is not the case, it can start as a branch from Fate line and should reach Sun mount. This line gives success in financial matters.

 Mounts and money

Mounts and money
The mounts of Sun, Venus and Jupiter should preferably be good in your palm. These regions below the fingers should be wide and high. Sun represents success in all matters. Venus is supposed to give a luxurious life and Jupiter leadership qualities.

  Taking charge of your destiny

Taking charge of your destiny
Everything said and done, true success and wealth are achieved by belief and action, and we all have the power to take charge of our destinies. The money line will shine some light on your path to wealth and abundance. Regardless of how much money you are meant to accumulate, you have the power to make whatever money your heart desires. All the best!.


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