Tuesday 13 September 2016

Ques:Line of Children on the Palm: Hand Reading

In palmistry it’s really very interesting to observe the lines of children. These lines can be seen on the palm near the Mount of Mercury in the form of vertical Lines over the Marriage line. Sometimes, these lines are as thin as hair and it is not possible to observe them with the naked eyes, you may need lens.

These vertical lines may be above, below, or actually cross the marriage line, and are believed to represent the number of children a woman may have if she chooses. Strong lines are said to represent boys, while finer, weaker lines are said to represent girls as per the ancient palmistry studies.

According to the palmistry science, it has found that these lines do appear to suggest that children will be born by feature in their life in some way or another. A teacher, with or without children of her own, may have many of these lines. So also might a woman who, though not having children herself, finds she spends much time with children, perhaps nieces, nephew’s, etc. 
There is an element of uncertainty with regard to lines of Marriage and Children due to changing concepts in modern times. The lines may indicate just relationships instead of marriage and pets instead of children. 

What do you think about these line, if they are found on your hand or your partner hand, please do share your though about the knowledge of palmistry, that is getting popular around the world from the ancient times, even today people prefer palmist advice in many culture and traditions analyzing their hand and get more out of their life through the help of palmistry.

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