Tuesday 13 September 2016

Ques: What does Square on palm means?

Square on the Palm: Hand Reading


Square is a very auspicious sign which is really not easy to observe on every hand. Since square is considered as beneficial in many case because it is related to Education, Higher Authority, Honor, Love and relationships.

If any mark of Square is present on mount of Jupiter, then surely you will become a successful administrator. Your fame and honor will spread throughout the world as you rise to very high post although you are born in an ordinary family.

If you have sign of square on mount of Saturn, then you will notice that you have surprisingly escaped death many times.If the sign of square is on the region of Sun, then you live a very high standard life with honors, respect, High post and fame. If there is a square on the mount of mercury, then you are going to escapes imprisonment. 

Any square on mount of Moon will increase the power of imagination for you and will make you sober and kind. And give you patience even in opposing circumstances. If there is a square mark on the Mount of Venus, then you will be cautious in love affairs and thus escape many scandals.

If you have a square on mount of mars, than you will be able to contain your anger, or get anger rarely in life. Any sign of square on the line of Moon, assists a person in all sort of progress.

If Square is on marriage line, than you will have an educated, beautiful and amiable wife. And great chance of getting wealth from in-laws. Square is on health line, indicates sound health throughout life.

If you have Square sign on the fate line, then you are lucky as your fate rises at a very early age. If square is on heart line then your family life will be full of happiness.

Square on you life line indicates your life will be full of enjoyments and longevity. Square is considered as a beneficial mark on the palm according to many palmists.

Line on Bracelet: Palmistry Readings 

In the science of Palmistry, the horizontal lines appears on the wrist area are called the line on Bracelet. These lines on bracelet are the strong indicators of good Health, WealthHonors and Respect in society.  
Lines on Bracelet in palm reading is another most common practice, mostly a person will have two or three lines on bracelet. Although, some people have only one bracelet line, and having four or more is lines on the bracelet is possible.
More bracelet lines indicate a longer life; broken bracelets indicate ill health and difficulties in the whole life force of that individual.
If a bracelet line starts from the wrist and goes up, then the person gets all his wishes fulfilled in his life time. If any line stars from the wrist leads to the Mount of Moon, then the person goes abroad many times. 

If these lines are found the be broken, and in many pieces then, it seems that the person faces many difficulties. Contrary to it, if these lines are faultless, and prominent, then the person has better chances of rise of fate. If the bracelet lines are chained, than it indicates continues difficulties in his or her whole life. According to the study of palmistry the more prominent and faultless the bracelet lines are the better it would be for that person.
As per the deep study of palmistry, it is really essential for the palm reader to analyse the every type of handfingersthumbs, lines, and other signs & symbols found on the palm, then only it would be possible to prepare the personal palm reading report of any individual. 

Ques: Will I become a millionaire or not ?

Palmistry Hand Analyse: Line of Millionaire  

Palm of a Millionaire: It is well said that lines on the palm plays very special role for any individual towards achievement of name, fame and wealth throughout life. Only few people have these signs of being a millionaire.

According to the deep study of palmistry only those person, whose Sun line is strong and whose Mount of Venus is fully developed and does not contains Net or any broken line, such person will be strong from economic point of view.

But when the fate line, is straight, clear and reddish and one of its branches is going towards the Sun line and the Head line is fully developed, then certainly that man would be rich. They will have quite favorable condition economically and enjoys full happiness. Hence it is really very true that signs on the palm and the fate line plays such a great role in anyone's life force.

Palmistry is an art of reading hands and for a palm reader it is very important to observe the palm, along with lines, marks, and other spots found on the hand. Palmistry is a popular practice done in many cultures and civilization, so it should be practiced carefully with keen eyes.

Ques : Will I be successful business man or not according to my hand?

Palmistry: Successful Businessman Hands

As per the palmistry, Lines Present on your Hand plays very important role towards everything. your Personal, Educational, Social, Professional and Business Life all depends on condition of the Lines, Signs and other marks which are found on your Hand. These lines or other marks which are Present on your hand can provide you with lots of opportunity in life related to Childhood, Higher Education, High Post and Success in Profession or Business, Peaceful Family and relationship and so on. 

According to the Palmist For Success in Business you need to have a special line or Sign on your Palm and in business only those people success who have these lines or Signs on their palm.

Those who are engaged in any kind of business or trade, their thumb will be straight but inclined to their back a little. The head line on their palm will be always straight and clear and the mount of Mercury will be well Developed too. 
It is also important to notice that a successful businessman will not have any Sign of net on their mount of Mercury, and their little Finger (Finger of Mercury) will be a bit longer. Suppose, If any line is coming from the head line towards the mount of mercury, then it Indicates that,  person will be Greatly successful and prosperous in his area of work. The person would be a Great Business man  and will earn Millions with his/ her own efforts and will surely have a satisfied life.

Sometimes, If you observe any hand, where all the fingers are bigger than the Palm, than it indicates that, they will be successful and progressive Personality in their Society, easily earn name and Fame without any hard efforts and Lacks nothing in their profession or any Business they Undertake. These hand types are called Businessman hands.
To read any palm, it is very important to observe the hands carefully, then only, you will be able to give exact analyse of any person's life.

Ques:Line of Children on the Palm: Hand Reading

In palmistry it’s really very interesting to observe the lines of children. These lines can be seen on the palm near the Mount of Mercury in the form of vertical Lines over the Marriage line. Sometimes, these lines are as thin as hair and it is not possible to observe them with the naked eyes, you may need lens.

These vertical lines may be above, below, or actually cross the marriage line, and are believed to represent the number of children a woman may have if she chooses. Strong lines are said to represent boys, while finer, weaker lines are said to represent girls as per the ancient palmistry studies.

According to the palmistry science, it has found that these lines do appear to suggest that children will be born by feature in their life in some way or another. A teacher, with or without children of her own, may have many of these lines. So also might a woman who, though not having children herself, finds she spends much time with children, perhaps nieces, nephew’s, etc. 
There is an element of uncertainty with regard to lines of Marriage and Children due to changing concepts in modern times. The lines may indicate just relationships instead of marriage and pets instead of children. 

What do you think about these line, if they are found on your hand or your partner hand, please do share your though about the knowledge of palmistry, that is getting popular around the world from the ancient times, even today people prefer palmist advice in many culture and traditions analyzing their hand and get more out of their life through the help of palmistry.

Ques : What does Triangle Sign on hand means?

Palmistry art says if a triangle is farmed by clear flawless and deep lines each considered benevolent the size of triangle is directly related to good result and good fortune. If the triangle is big its benefit and good luck are also enormous. 

"Sign of Triangle" on any Palm

Triangle found in the mid palm indicates that the person is very lucky, theist and progressive his physical and mental activities are pious. Such a person is calm and amiable. He is honored in the society.

A big triangle is indicative of large-hardheartedness of an individual. If there is a triangle on the mount of Venus then the person will be simple, congenial and sentimental a lover of decent living and would be high standard person. If there is a faulty triangle, in the palm then the person will be licentious and lover of other women, This is really not a good indication.

If there is a triangle on the Mount of Mars, then there is a chance, a person will become a warrior and exhibits courage and patience in the battlefield. He will get decorated with national medals for bravery but if the triangle on the mount of Mars is faulty then the person will be curl and coward. 

If there is a triangle on the 
mount of Jupiter, then the person will be diplomatic and always desires for his own progress. Contrary to it, if the triangle is faulty than that person will become proud and selfish. 

If there is a faultless triangle on the Mount of Saturn, then it indicates that the person is an authority on exorcism, and charms. If the triangle is faulty then the person is a great cheat and most unreliable. 

If there is a triangle on the mount of sun then the person will be very religious, benefactor and well wisher of others but if the triangle is faulty, then he will get criticized by the society and hardly get any success in his life and there will be  hindrance in the rise of his fate. 

If there is a triangle in the region of Mars, then the person becomes a successful scientist in his life. He also achieves a great success in business. Such person also spread their business. If there is a triangle on the life line, than it indicate longevity for the person

If there is a triangle on the head line, than the person will be very intelligent and will get very good education. The person who has any triangle on the fate line, than sadly it is considered unlucky, such person are unsuccessful in their lives. 

If there is a triangle on the marriage line of any person, then there will be chance of many hindrances in his marriage, and his married life remains nearly unsuccessful. If any person has triangle on the Moon than there are many chance for him to go abroad and achieves success. 

If a triangle is formed by the life line and the head line then it considered auspicious. And if any triangle is formed by the health line and the head line then the person is very intelligent. 

If a triangle is formed by the health line and life line, than it helps in raising the person to a great height. And if the lines of triangle are broken then the person will be selfish and materialistic more than enough. 

A Cross over a triangle indicates several accidents in life. And if there is a sign of a star inside the triangle, then it indicates ill-fame in love affair. And bad name in society.

And for any palmist it’s really very important to observe these triangles with efficiency to get an effective reading. These triangles on the palm can change the whole geometry of palmistry